Aeronet Helps VineSmoke™ Reach BBQ Aficionados
VineSmoke is taking contemporary BBQ sophistication to new heights by introducing a method used by European wineries for hundreds of years. Every year in the fall, after the grape harvest, vineyards all over the world skillfully prune back their grapevines to ensure healthy regrowth the next season. VineSmoke repurposes these vines into the perfect flavored smoking wood, which can be used in a variety of ways to smoke meat or vegetables using a charcoal grill, a gas grill, or by just using the vines themselves. This results in rich, bold, and complex flavors.
Led by Aeronet Worldwide Senior Vice President of International, David Gibson, a custom supply chain was designed for which to distribute these grapevines to retail outlets.
The first step is collecting the bails of vines from various wineries, and transporting them to our facilities. There, the vines are properly sorted, packaged and sealed to specification, and prepared for distribution. And with Aeronet’s vast network of carriers, VineSmoke’s product – which also includes wine pairings – have the potential to appear in nationwide markets.
For more information on VineSmoke, and where you can purchase online and in California, visit To find out how we can do the same for your business, contact your Aeronet representative.
About Aeronet Worldwide: For over 35 years, Aeronet has provided its Clients, in a wide array of vertical industries and sectors, with the very best in global logistics solutions. With Associates and Partners connected to every major airport and seaport throughout the world, there is no shipment too large or complex. Visit for more information.