MARKET BRIEF | March 2022
A BRIEF look at what’s happening in the logistics and shipping industry.
In this Edition:
We’re taking a break this month — from the less-than-favorable news of port congestion, labor and equipment shortages, and other industry friction — to take a deeper dive into these topics from Aeronet’s ‘Speaking Logistics’ blog.
We’re taking a break this month — from the less-than-favorable news of port congestion, labor and equipment shortages, and other industry friction — to take a deeper dive into these topics from Aeronet’s ‘Speaking Logistics’ blog.
Capital equipment (or “heavy equipment”) is expensive and critical to operations. The transportation of this equipment is a specialized field that requires advanced planning, knowledge and expertise. Ultimately, your equipment — your investment — needs to make it from one place to another safely and efficiently. The transportation and logistics service provider you select needs to be reliable, responsible, and cost-efficient (but not cheap — you don’t want to “get what you pay for” when handling capital equipment). There are several factors to consider when choosing a logistics service provider to transport your company’s capital equipment … READ MORE
When you hear of people chartering planes, it’s usually within the context of a personal private jet. However, the same concept can be applied to airfreight. Traditional air shipments follow a schedule — just like your average commercial flight. When you use a chartered plane for airfreight, it gives you the flexibility to go outside of that schedule. Having that flexibility is the main benefit, because it also protects against a scheduled flight being delayed or cancelled. Another benefit is … READ MORE
The North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect in 1994. It was implemented to promote trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This pact was eventually replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2020. While both agreements had/have their supporters and retractors, there is no doubt that the net effect has been a healthy increase in trade between the three countries.
Capital equipment (or “heavy equipment”) is expensive and critical to operations. The transportation of this equipment is a specialized field that requires advanced planning, knowledge and expertise. Ultimately, your equipment — your investment — needs to make it from one place to another safely and efficiently. The transportation and logistics service provider you select needs to be reliable, responsible, and cost-efficient (but not cheap — you don’t want to “get what you pay for” when handling capital equipment). There are several factors to consider when choosing a logistics service provider to transport your company’s capital equipment … READ MORE
When you hear of people chartering planes, it’s usually within the context of a personal private jet. However, the same concept can be applied to airfreight. Traditional air shipments follow a schedule — just like your average commercial flight. When you use a chartered plane for airfreight, it gives you the flexibility to go outside of that schedule. Having that flexibility is the main benefit, because it also protects against a scheduled flight being delayed or cancelled. Another benefit is … READ MORE
The North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect in 1994. It was implemented to promote trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This pact was eventually replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2020. While both agreements had/have their supporters and retractors, there is no doubt that the net effect has been a healthy increase in trade between the three countries.
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